Published/ in press student authors in bold 2023 Venkataraman YR, Shore A, Dayal S, Lee JS, Salimi MA, Crandall G, Loeher MM, Stoops M, Swanger M, Eisenlord ME, Van Alstyne KL, Fast MD, Burge CA, Groner ML. 2023 Characterizing host-pathogen interactions between Zostera marina and Labyrinthula zosterae. Frontiers in Marine Science 10:1152647.
Groner ML, Bravo-Mendosa ED, MacKenzie AH, Gregg JL, Conway CM, Trochta JT, Hershberger PK. 2023. Temporal, environmental and demographic correlates of Ichthyophonus sp. infections in mature Pacific herring populations. ICES Journal of Marine Science.
2022 Agnew MV, Groner ML, Eisenlord ME, Friedman CS, Burge CA. 2022. Pacific oyster filtration are a sink and potential source of the eelgrass pathogen, Labyrinthula zosterae. Aquaculture Environment Interactions.
Groner ML, Hershberger PK, Fradkin SC, Conway CM, Hawthorn AC, Purcell MK. 2022. Evaluating the effect of nuclear inclusion X (NIX) infections on Pacific razor clam populations. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 151:1-9.
Meyers TM, Morris R, Jackson TM, Dissen JN, Slater LM, Groner ML, Gaeuman W. 2022. First reports of black eye syndrome and a systemic rickettsia-like organism in Alaskan Chionoecetes crabs including normal eyestalk microanatomy. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 150:103-124.
Trochta J, Groner ML, Hershberger PK, Branch, T. 2022. A novel approach for directly incorporating disease into fisheries stock assessment: the powerful potential of seroprevalence data. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 79:611-630.
2021 Elliott DG, Conway CM, McKibben CL, MacKenzie AH, Hart LM, Groner ML, Purcell MK, Gregg JL, Hershberger PK. 2021. Differential susceptibility of Yukon River and Salish Sea stocks of Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha to ichthyophoniasis. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 144:123-131
Hershberger PK, Meyers TR, Gregg JL, Groner ML, Hall SA, Jayasekera HT, MacKenzie AH, Neat AS, Piatt EN, and Garver KA, 2021. Annual Recurrences of Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Epizootics in Age 0 Pacific Herring Clupea pallasii Valenciennes, 1847. Animals 11:2426. Groner ML, Eisenlord ME, Yoshioka RM, Fiorenza EA, Dawkins PD, Graham OJ, Winningham M, Vompe A, Rivlin ND, Yang Bo, Burge CA, Rappazzo B, Gomes CP, Harvell CD. 2021. Warming sea surface temperatures fuel summer epidemics of eelgrass wasting disease. Marine Ecology Progress Series 679: 47-58
Groner ML, Burge CA, Cox R, Rivlin N, Turner M, Van Alstyne K, Wyllie-Echeverria, S, Bucci J, Staudigel P, Friedman CS. 2018. Oysters and eelgrass: potential partners in a high pCO2 ocean. Ecology 99 1802:1814.
Varekamp, JC, Thomas, E, and Groner, ML. 2005. The late Pleistocene - Holocene History of Long Island Sound, Seventh Biennual LIS Research Conference Proceedings 27-32.